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Welcome to Art Class!
We are going to have a fantastic and creative year learning
about color, line, shapes, texture and so much more.

—Henri Matisse.
—Henri Matisse.

What We're Creating This Month
Kinder Cane Self Portrait I Aug 23 - Aug 29
Students will be introduced to self portraits and will create their own Kinder Cane Self Portrait.
Beginning of the Year Self Portrait |Aug 30 - Sep 5
Students read the book "What I Like About Me" and discuss all the features that make us special. Students will then review their knowledge of self portrait and create a self portrait while looking into mirrors.
Larry the Line I Sep 6-12
Students will meet a new friend named Larry the Line. Larry will read a poem about lines. Students will demonstrate their new knowledge of line and decorate their own Larry the Line.
Lines Landscape | Sep 13 - 26
Students will review the lines they learned and draw a fun Sunrise Landscape. Students will also learn painting techniques and care to paint their art.
Snow Day Self Portraits AMI
Fun Snow Day project.
Color Wheel Tree | Sep 27 - Oct 10
Students will learn about the color wheel and then create a fun tree art.
Rainbow Order Snail | Oct 11-24
Students will learn the order of the rainbow and create a rainbow snail.
Romero Pumpkins | Oct 28 - Nov 8
Students will learn about the artist Romero Britto and warm and cool colors. Students will also review lines to create a Romero Britto inspired pumpkin.
Winter Cardinal and White Birch | Nov 11 - 22
Students will learn about winter birds and draw and paint a winter cardinal and birch tree.
Nutcracker | November 2 - 6, 16 - 20
Students will learn the story of the nutcracker and create a beautiful nutcracker art.
Fish in a Fish Bowl | Jan 6 - 17
Students will learn about the rainbow fish and draw and paint a fish in a fish bowl.
Carousel Horse | Jan 21 - 24, Feb 18 - 21
Students will review lines and create a beautiful carousel horse.
Basquiat Heart | Jan 27 - 31
Students will learn about the artist Jean-Michelle Basquiat and creat a Basquiat inspired heart.
Declaration of Independence | February 3 - 14
Students learn about Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence and then sign their own Declaration. Students will then draw and paint Thomas Jefferson.
Mary Blair Castle | Feb 24 - March 14
Students will learn about the famous Disney artist Mary Blaire and create a Blaire inspired castle.
Bee Print | March 17 - 20
Students will learn about the importance of bees and will create a fun bubble wrap bee print.
End of the Year Self Portrait | March 31 - April 11
Students will read the book "The Colors of Me" and discuss all the features that make us special. Students will then review their knowledge of self portrait and create a self portrait while looking into mirrors.
Keith Haring Earth Day | April 14 - 17
Students will learn about the artist Keith Haring and will discuss the importance of taking care of Earth. Students will create a Keith Haring inspired Earth Day art.
Shrinky Dink Necklace | April 21 - May 2
Students will create a shrinky dink necklace
Cactus Pinch pot Sculpture | May 5 - 8
Students will learn about sculptures and create a cactus in a pinchpot.
Graduation Self Portraits| May 20-24
Students will create a self portrait in a cap and gown

Coffee Filter Butterfly | May 13 - 17
Students will learn about the artist Wayne Thiebaud and get an introduction to sculpture by designing and creating a donut.